Julien Maire



Julien Maire (FR/D) – artist and performer he lives currently in Berlin. In a general sense he deconstructs and redevises audiovisual techniques. His performances and installations have been shown in several countries. Julien Maire won an award at the Ars Electronica festival in Austria in 2004 and in 2007. He also won the first prize at the Liedts-Meesen Fondation in Belgium for his Exploding Camera installation in 2008. For his work as a whole he gained a nomination at „World Technology Awards “ in New York in 2009.

On the 21th November he will perform at general public – „Open Core“
He will dissect in public some machines of vision. Sort of vivisection, where we attend to the elongation of the cables, the diversion of the light, the progressive destruction of the connections. The organs of machines are exchanged, transplanted and build gradually the prototypes of the hybrid instruments that Julien Maire will develop during his residence with Workstation at the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010.


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